Embracing Transparency Through Whistleblower Programs
We are committed to maintaining transparency and accountability in all our operations. We believe that everyone should have the freedom to speak up if they witness any irregularities or illegal activities committed by our employees.
While we encourages individuals to report incidents to their immediate supervisor, this may not always be the most effective approach and could result in lost reports. Therefore, we have established whistleblower to allow anonymous reporting.
Our whistleblower system is managed by WhistleSystem, ensuring a completely anonymous and secure reporting process for whistleblowers. This system is to be used if employees or other stakeholders witness serious misconduct or legal violations occurring within or related to Bramidan.
Reports can be made by anyone with access to the system, including both internal and external stakeholders who become aware of a potential violation.
Our Whistleblower Service
Our whistleblowing service enables reporting of serious risks or wrongdoing impacting individuals, our organization, society, or the environment. Reports may cover criminal offenses, irregularities, or breaches of EU or national laws within a work-related context. While proof isn’t required, all reports must be made in good faith.
We are using WhistleSystem and have appointed Zefyr Portfolio Management P/S as the administrator of the whistleblowing system. Zefyr is an investment company that focuses on creating long-term value and supporting the growth of companies, prioritizing professionalism, continuity, and trust.
All reports are handled by the administrator, and no employees or leaders at Bramidan have access to the reported data.
Whistleblowing for a Better Workplace & Society
Our whistleblowing service, facilitated by Zefyr Portfolio Management P/S, ensures anonymity through encrypted and password-protected communication channels. We encourage open communication and the use of this system to report any concerns or incidents without fear of reprisal.
A part of the directive stipulates that whistleblowers must not be penalized for coming forward with information. Therefore, the whistleblower should not worry about future consequences for their career or personal life as a result of the report.
Bramidan’s whistleblower policy aims to promote greater transparency and increased security for employees or other stakeholders. All reports will be handled confidentially.
How Reports Are Handled
All reports are handled by Zefyr Portfolio Management P/S, and no employees at Bramidan have access to the reported data.
The process following the submission of a report is as follows:
- The program administrator notifies the whistleblower of receipt within 7 days.
- The administrator evaluates, categorizes the report, and conducts an initial investigation. Additional information or documentation may be requested from the whistleblower via an anonymous dialogue through the system.
- The report is processed according to its nature. Initially, an internal review is conducted. Serious cases or those requiring further action are referred to the police.
- The whistleblower is informed of actions taken within 3 months of receipt. For ongoing cases, regular updates are provided.
- Personal data in the report is processed according to Bramidan’s privacy policy to ensure compliance with data protection laws.
- When no longer relevant, the report is deleted from the system.
Report to WhistleSystem
When reporting you need to log-in, use the following:
- Log-in: Bramidan
- Password: U19bVF5tz
Then fill out the form with information and submit the report.
After the report is submitted, a unique report ID will be displayed. This ID should be stored securely, and you may consider taking a picture of it.
The ID allows you to log in and open the report again, enabling you to start an anonymous dialogue if there are follow-up questions from an administrator of the system.
We encourage you to log in regularly after the report has been submitted to answer any potential follow-up questions.